Louise Cahu

Type & Graphic Design




Following my final year dissertation (BFA) and a workshop with graphic designer Océane Juvin on pictograms, I produced a normograph and an activity book on the profession of letter painter. The activity book highlights the versatility of the trade, in terms of both the styles of lettering and the different media used, and the postures adopted by the painter. It's a tool for expressing the many ways of playing with shapes, while telling the profession of letter painter with modesty and humour. This booklet is a way of familiarising yourself with the construction of letters and understanding the painter's place in his environment.

Plexiglas normograph
Size : 165 x 280 mm
Sewn binding
Two handmade copies

[Editorial design & graphic tool - 2024]

presentation presentation presentation presentation presentation presentation presentation presentation presentation presentation presentation presentation
presentation presentation presentation presentation presentation presentation presentation presentation presentation presentation presentation presentation
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